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張照堂 Chang,Chao-Tang
歳月・一瞥 - Years In, Years Out

6月6日(土)張照堂トークショー台湾を代表する写真家・張照堂(Chang Chao-Tang)氏。企画展「歳月・一瞥」に合わせ来日し、トークショーを行います。 氏は国立台南藝術大学の教授でもあり、写真展のキュレーションを行うなどの活動もしており台湾の写真界の師と言える存在です。
張照堂 Chang,Chao-Tang
1943 Born 17 Nov. in Panchiao , Taipei County , Taiwan .
1958 Become interest in photography at age 15 and start taking photos .
1961 Begins Studying at the CiVil Engineering , National Taiwan UniVersity. DeVote to conceptual photography which reflect the modernist trend .
1965 First exhibition , "2 - Men Contemporary Photography", Taipei .
1968 Start 13 years period as film / Videomaker for China TeleVision Co. Taiwan , specialising in newsrell & documentary series .
1971 Group exhibition , "V-10 / Womanology", Taipei .
1974 Solo exhibition ,"The Farewell"to mark his ennui in photography before .
1976 Explore the country as documentary filmmakers , DeVelope as photographer of social realism .
1980 Awarded best TV cinematographer / editor of the the year for "The Boat - Burning Ceremony" & best documentary cinematographer for "An Old House - Chinese Traditional Architecture" in Taiwan.
1983 Solo exhibition ,"Human Grace and Forgiveness", Taipei & San Francisco .
1985 Solo exhibition ,"Chang's Image of Taiwan", Hong Kong .
1986 Solo exhibition ,"Trip - ReVerse", Taipei .
Solo exhibition ,"Image from the East", New York .
1990 Curate and participate in"Seeing - PerspectiVes of Nine Photographers" exhibition , Taipei .
1993 Organize "Image of Cloud Gate Dance Group in 20 Years" exhibition .
Organize "View on the Tamsui River in 50 Years" exhibition ,Taipei / Paris .
1994 Solo exhibition ,"Image of Trip - ReVerse", Paris .
Group exhibition ,"Contemporary Photography from China , Hong Kong & Taiwan", Hong Kong .
1996 Solo exhibition ,"1962 Summer", Taipei .
Group exhibition ,"Asian View", Tokyo .
1997 Teaching in the Graduate Institute of Sound & Image Studies in Documentary Tainan National UniVersity of the Art , Taiwan .
1998 Organize "Image of Ha-Ka"&"Taipei - Pass away" exhibitions .
1999 ReceiVes the National Award of Art of the year in Taiwan .
2000 Organize "The Homeland - After the 921 Earthquake" exhibition ,Taipei .
2001 Organize "Dancing in the Wind" exhibition , Shinchu .
2002 Organize group exhibition "V -10 / 30 year After", Taipei .
2004 Group exhibition ,"Retrospective - Taiwan Art Scene in '70", Taipei .
2006 Group exhibition ,"Retrospective - Taiwan Photography", Peiking / Shanghi .
2007 Group exhibition ,"A Legend of Rose Marie Gallery 1953-1973", Taipei .
Group exhibition ,"Guangzhou Photo Biennial", Guangdong / Shanghi .
2008 Group exhibition ,"Masterpieces by Artists of Taiwan", Kaohsung Museum
Group exhibition, "Home - Taiwan Biennial", National Taiwan Museum
Group exhibition, "The Hidden 4 - Daegu Photo Biennale", Korea
ミニギャラリー Mini Gallery